Chandigarh: Chandigarh police Sunday arrested three men for attempting to black market tickets for the India-Pakistan cricket semifinal World Cup in Mohali May 30, police said here.
Rohit Sharma Hemant Kumar Singh and Jasmeet, aged 18-20 years, were trying to sell the tickets at a premium in the Information Technology (IT) park area.
"There were two bills of Rs.250 (face value) each and a ticket for 500 rupees. They sold three tickets for Rs.56, 000. We have detained and questioned is," said a police official.
On Saturday night, a black-marketer, owner of a department store, was arrested in the village of Burail here. He was selling the ticket Rs.250 to Rs.25, 000, police said.
Acting on a warning that a merchant in the village was selling tickets in black, the police laid a trap and sent a decoy customer to the store Saturday night.
An agreement was reached Rs.50, 000 for two tickets for Rs.250 each.
"We found Naresh Garg red-handed accepting the money. He said he bought tickets for March 21 from the main branch of the Central Bank of India. We're going to produce in court," said Inspector Amanjot Singh IANS.
Fever World Cup has reached its highest point here, with a Rs.15, 000 tickets for the party that allegedly sold more than Rs. 100,000 in the black market.
India and Pakistan played under floodlights on Wednesday at the Stadium of Punjab Cricket Association in the city of Mohali Punjab, about 10 km from here.