Relentless in its demand for a joint parliamentary committee (JPC) research on 2G spectrum scam, Bharatiya Janata Party led NDA on Thursday attacked Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, to "repeated vouchers clean" the former telecom minister A. Raja and claimed that the government was "afraid" of the truths that bother to come out.
In a press conference, the Chairman's working CND LK Advani attacked the Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, saying that he too should be held responsible for the scam 2G spectrum allocation.
"The prime minister gave repeated clean vouchers A. Raja, the former telecommunications minister. He was deaf to the national hue and mourn. Parliament first debated this issue in the Rajya Sabha July 23, 2009," he said.
Said the government did not agree to a Joint Parliamentary Committee probably because they are "afraid of the truths that bother looking in the face."
"The government is indifferent to the problem of corruption. And if a complaint is likely to reach high political office, then it becomes quite firm," he said.
The justification for the NDA's insistence on a CPM probe, the main leader of the BJP said there was no parliamentary stagnation done, Raja have not given up.
Advani insisted that despite the Public Accounts Committee is an important organ has a limited mandate and therefore needed to probe CPM. He said his colleague and President Murli Manohar Joshi PAC had been misquoted in a newspaper report on the subject.
"The breadth and magnitude of the issue raised in the case of 2G spectrum allocation are beyond the scope of the Public Accounts Committee. The CAG is an internal auditor of the Government. Various problems related to accounting and auditing matters. The PAC limits itself to paragraph CAG-rational observations. You can not go beyond the issues that were before the CAG, "he said.
He said a large number of these issues are the responsibility of the APA. "Some may overlap with CPM, but there is nothing new or extraordinary about the limited overlap between the two different committees," said Advani.
The work NDA Chairman also mentioned the alleged involvement of corporate lobbyists in the allocation of the portfolio.
"The 2G spectrum allotment scam involves wide range of issues. Why was it necessary for the Telecommunications portfolio would be allocated only to DMK? Corporate interests were at stake that even within the DMK which was to be assigned to only one particular individual to the exclusion of others? "he said.
I also wanted to know if the former telecommunications minister and his associates were in regular contact with corporate lobbyists while formulating the policy of 2G spectrum allocation.
"All these events are of a nature to vindicate our position that the government is serious about corruption," said Advani.