
Thursday, April 7, 2011

India through the eyes of a foreign tourist

When a tourist comes to India, is believed to already have some preconceived notions about India. Some know India as the land of elephants, some know him as a country of snakes, while others come with the idea that India is a country of forests. Despite all these things do not exist in India, but India is not only that. Therefore, I am sure that, even tourists from more advanced countries will be surprised on the road. The concept that changes and I am sure India is not only remembered for its wildlife and jungles.

A tourist in a foreign country certainly has a schedule, when it comes to India. Their plans must ensure, of course, his visits to large cities, on one hand and places of interest, on the other. In general, the places to be visited should be the four metro cities and other smaller places that are places of special interest. Cities like Jaipur, Cuttack, Hyderabad, Srinagar must find its place in the tourist program.

These visits a variety of places without a doubt will give foreign tourists a mix of views of India. I am sure that when you visit the Metro, you will be impressed by the glamor there. You sure you wonder why India is called a poor country and wondered where poverty is. When he visits the place like Jaipur, Cuttack, Bangalore, Calcutta, is sure to be amazed at the wonderful craftsmanship of each of these places. Our cottage industries are sure to make him think of how well the craft should be doing the ball, with an art that is his alone. Tie and dye, block painting, filigree work, metalwork, embroidery all so beautiful and peculiar to a place, then why are some of the poverty anywhere. Must be very impressed with the variety of arts available in India. When tourists visit and live there places within 5-stars will be astonished no bounds - is sure to think and to reason that India is not all bad, and in addition, India has so much versatility, so should never suffer from lack of any kind. In hotels you see cafes, restaurants, and expensive lifestyle, and is as comfortable as could be expected to be in any of the countries most advanced in the world. He is totally baffled by what he sees, and wants now to confirm whether India is really a poor country, as he had heard? He wondered why India is called Third World County, a country progresses, it appears that all the provinces have made progress.

This totally confuses him, and now wants to know why India is known for being a Third World power. This is a problem with your tourist guide, who asked to take you now to where there is poverty in India. This desire to have, just to be able to assess for himself the truth about India. The guide takes the tourist to a backward people, and Aha! Here is the poverty of India, who was looking for. The children are wandering around the town naked and barefoot, sitting lazily Chaupals elderly, and women slogging to reach the water. Now go to the real India, since India lives in villages really. He sees a long line of women, and asked what is happening, and is surprised when told that the tail of snake woman is standing just to pick up the buckets or jugs of water for the day. Now, tourists are inclined to believe what he had heard about India, and poverty.

Both rich and poor country, but now even this strange hits is why this huge gap in the rich and the poor? Rich and poor, self-sustaining exist everywhere, but nowhere have we seen such a difference. He just asks and keeps the issue in his mind, he wondered at some time after someone who can clarify on the issue.
I had heard he was leaving for India that India is a country rich in monuments. Now visit the Qutab Minar in Delhi, the Hawa Mahal in Jaipur and the Taj Mahal in Agra. Besides these, you see many monuments, and is once again very impressed by the endless list of attractions in India. These sites are impressive and once again feel that India may be poor. A country with a rich heritage can be, he never felt part of poor countries. Oh! What country and what a glorious past.

During his visit to India a tourist also like to visit some of the technical institutions, and he is sure to be pleased with the progress. However, along with the country's growth, he observed, is shocked beyond apprehension when is the indiscipline on the roads, the beggars in the streets, and dust and debris more unscrupulous spread all the way . To make matters worse, when you visit the offices of passports and visas, and the officer did not even spare the party a bribe, the tourist is completely destroyed, and also realizes that India is also corrupt. It is understood that this corruption must be the cause of the gap between rich and poor, and thus automatically realize how poor must be getting poorer. With a heavy heart, decided that now and come back later to see that the poor have a better deal in India.

So when a tourist visits India, is sure to have mixed feelings, and brings a cross section of the memories of India. We can never forget the charming resorts and attractive, rich and well - to - do the customers of the 5 - star hotels, and beggars at every crossroads in India. The sights I saw were a feast for the eyes and see them better in your mind, the prestige of India. At the same time the bitter pill of corruption in India, can not swallow. He realizes that this is so rampant in India when he, a tourist from a foreign country was not spared from evil. What you should be thinking about the future of this country is easy to be a mystery. Surely have had the idea that India has a rich heritage with a rich legacy, but today is in ruins, living only on its past glory.


Today, I would say India is a conglomeration of plenty of problems, some problems are of indigenous adults, while others are imported. Some of our problems do not admit solutions at least for the moment, some can be solved, but not allowed to be done. While still others may be a simple solution with a little thought. Thus, India today is a kaleidoscopic image of a lot of problems.

Consider first some of the indigenous problems, such as problems of our own creation. This quality of eating problems in all spheres of our existence, political, social, national and international. On the political side our main problems is that for the last fifty years, India has a continuity, not only bad government, but the complete lack of government. This problem is of a native mature as ours is irritated, the Constitution is, the governed are ours, and our rulers are, however, is not the complete failure of governance. Unfortunately the reasons for this are not hard to find. The rulers have lost the caliber and character through the last decades and the decline of the government has taken its toll. In addition, leaders are not only incapable, but they are also corrupt. All these years, the government only has meaning to bite the Treasury. Those in the top positions are busy making money and this has meant the money making spree spread to the lowest level of the working class. Therefore, this issue of our self-mutilation has led to the complete decay of the machinery of government and end all of the governmental machinery. No single government department that is flourishing with income doubles and triples.

On the social front have created chaos for ourselves. In our mania to go in a westerly direction, we have destroyed our greatest social good beyond the ages of the family. India has been known worldwide for its most lovable institution of the family, in which the elderly who find solace and children are a source of love. In our quest for modernization that we have dealt a mortal blow to our institution of the family. The elderly are no longer a part of the family, who are disposed to people without, at the earliest opportunity. As children of the family, who have always been the apple of the eyes of the elders are now languishing in care, from the tender age of one year or two years. Commendable progress they have made in education and empowerment of women has made the child deprived of love and care of a mother.

In society, which had already evils like dowry system, sati, treating women as slaves, and with our own hands, we added another evil of the disintegration of the family, in our enthusiasm to import problems that were never ours. The education of women has certainly given more freedom to our women, knowledge and employment, but it has cost us dearly. In these negotiations we have also created a now, never spoke of the section in our society, the section of the elderly. Older people has always existed with the younger generation a given time, but were never a problem for society at any time. On the role and position of the elderly, a series of discussions are being held, and the problem defies all solutions. This is because the problem is foreign to us. This problem is also a branch of imports from the Western world.

In our society, the stigma of belonging to the scheduled class remains, though it is an Indian problem, which had joined its magnitude by our desire to provide equality for all. Equality does not come, but the class schedule has become a pampered lot, always on the side of demand and adding to the country's problems. This class has become. A problem to be pampered, have begun to feel that you can ask anything and get away with it, and if their demands are not met, they know they can hold the country to ransom.
In the social horizon, our population denies all solutions. When ever this problem is taken seriously, causing hiccups everyone. If this continues, I think for the first decade of the 21 who find it impossible to cope with multi-core population.

Besides this, society in India is very much divided between rich and knots. With all the country's wealth is accumulated in few hands as the rest of the population is difficult to do even two ends meet. This gap is not visible magnum between rich and poor anywhere in the world. On the economic front, India has many problems of the very obvious is the wealth distribution is too irregular for the sense of any progress in general. We are in debt, our economy is running a deficit and our trade has decreased.