
Sunday, April 10, 2011

India - What Ails India?

India is emerging as a modern power. India is showing very good growth in services and manufacturing. But to become a truly modern state should address the problems facing India. What ails India today? We will discuss that.

India has a vibrant democracy. But there are some issues that are working against the nation. In the House, most of the time is wasted in useless activities such as strikes etc., representatives need to pay more attention to work instead of boycotting the process.

Today, communal politics is a major threat to India. common separation of all communities is eating into the social fabric. The Hindus are trying to contain the Muslim influence. Muslims are trying to get more government facilities and Christians are accused of trying to convert others to Christianity. This is causing problems across the country, especially in the state of Orissa.

Terrorism is another big problem in India. Pakistan exports terrorism has been playing havoc in India for decades. That shows no signs of abating. Now with Afghanistan under the Taliban threat and spread of militancy in Pakistan, India will face more problems in Pakistan. No respite from terrorists entering India with the support of Pakistan. Pakistan does not want to stop and for historical reasons to continue to bleed India in India it becomes very powerful compared to Pakistan.

Distribution of wealth is a big problem. The rich get richer, the middle class is getting stronger, but the poor suffer the same evils forever. No running water, no education, no power, no housing, the list is endless. Unless a government makes all efforts to eradicate these evils by plugging all the holes and put an end to corruption, these problems will continue.

India will have to solve all these problems while maintaining the vibrant democratic structure to emerge as a true super power in the coming decades.