
Monday, April 11, 2011

Police Corruption Psychology

Maybe you've seen the headlines, she was surprised by police corruption? In the news seems to be happening more and more these days, but it is actually quite common. We're supposed to respect authority, and this undermines our security. It is very damaging to our psyche to see these things in the news.

Why does this surprise anyone corruption?

It is totally naive to believe that less than 1 / 3 of all police officers are on the take, no matter what area of ​​the division of law enforcement working in Criminals are attracted to work on implementing the law, perhaps because he tried to beat them up or steal your shovel in the sandbox in the third grade? This explanation seems too simplistic, but if you check your psychology textbook, you see that is one of the most common.

As for our police, whatever the reason, it should surprise anyone? Why is this news and why is everybody making a big deal of the obvious things, every time I read in the newspaper or watch television.

Some say that the slight increase has to do with reality, not just the best news coverage. Why? Well, because local police departments have to hire the most questionable because the job market is difficult for the security, military patrol on the border, etc. This may indeed have something to do with it, of course not justify any police corruption, while explaining why he is on the rise.

If you have a problem with this line of reasoning and do not believe me, ask any officer of the Ministry of Interior, see for yourself. Absolute power - corrupts. That's a known fact.