An intriguing aspect of human history is that some settlements that seem to stand for a period and lead to evolutionary change began to diminish after a certain level of progress. The end of civilization due to a natural disaster or man is not unexpected. However, the fact that these civilizations are not able to rebuild long after the calamity that happens is difficult to explain. If a group of human beings were able to create an advanced civilization in a moment of time should be much easier for them to do it again with the advantage of experience. But we find again and again that this does not happen. Thus, the sites of the earliest human civilizations - the Indus Valley. Mesopotamia and Egypt are among the most backward places in the world. Five thousand years ago the inhabitants of the Indus Valley had the use of cabins with plumbing and drainage. Today, most citizens in the area of animals defecating in open. There was a time in Greece and Rome the head of Europe, are now almost in a leadership position in the same continent.
One might think that the original main civilizations fell because of genetic dilution of native peoples as a result of the mixture with a larger population undeveloped. However, we have often noticed that even a small group of influential and developed can help establish an advanced civilization, but most of the population is not equally developed. Another reason why the old assigned to the decline of civilizations is the moral decadence and corruption. Once it enters the society of persistent infection driven by greed may persist for thousands of years. Although corrupt societies tend to be corrupt at all levels, is corruption among the rich and powerful who have the greatest effect on society. A corrupt dictator, though that can operate under the guise of a democratic leader, can impoverish an entire nation. Similarly, corruption among politicians, police, judiciary, senior administrators and influential business people of a country may result in the generation of poverty for many, directly or indirectly as a result of their actions.
To illustrate the point that corruption among some may result in the impoverishment of many in any society, let us consider a simplified mathematical model. Poverty among social groups is a numbers game and therefore suitable for mathematical modeling. We estimate that on average financial corruption of a member country rich in no poverty of the ten members of society. This is not a course on the top, as it has been mentioned that a dictator can only be a cause of poverty among millions. The term rich is an abstract term understood differently by different people. This can be interpreted as meaning that the most basic of the rich is one who is deprived of basic necessities of life - adequate nutritious food, shelter, clothing and basic medical needs, educational needs etc. of the family is readily available to a person. This is in contrast to people who can not afford adequate food and nutrition, living spaces, etc and therefore can be considered poor. Among the wealthy, would undoubtedly have some that barely meet the definition of being rich, while there would be few who can be considered as linings have enough money not only for their essential needs, but also some to burn or throw it all . There may even be some members of society who are ultra rich. These are like the richest people in the world that not only have enough money to burn, but if they would go about actually doing so, its lifetime would not be sufficient time to perform the task.
Returning to our initial hypothesis that the average financial corruption of a rich person impoverishment results of ten people who can get a simple relationship between the extent of corruption and poverty within a society. Thus, if ninety percent of wealthy people who got rich are damaged by unfair means this would result in a ninety percent of the population is poor. In nine out of ten people would corrupt rich and these give rise to ninety-nine poor. The situation as described here is not very different from that which prevails in some developing countries today. On the other hand, if only one percent of the rich are corrupt, leading to a society in which only ten percent of the population is poor. In a hundred people nineties are rich eighty-nine that got that way from honest efforts to a single collection of ill-gotten wealth. This situation can not be very different from the situation in some of the world's rich countries today. Within a country, and similar reasoning applies and we can see that the poorest provinces are those in which corruption is common. The argument that poverty causes corruption can not be invoked here because this is the time to consider the corruption of the rich only. A mathematical relationship can be developed based on the assumption today.
If a country has the percentage of rich people I with the percentage of C, then to be corrupt
(RC/100) x 10 = 100 - R
RC/10 + R = 100
RC + 10R = 1000
R = 1000 / (C 10)
Based on the equation developed can tabulate the percentage of influence of corruption on poverty percentage. Shown in Table 4.1
Table 4.1: Influence of corruption levels in the levels of poverty, P
% C,% R,% P,
1, 90.9, 9.1
2, 83.3, 16.7
3, 76.9, 23.1
4 71.4, 28.6
5, 66.7, 33.3
6, 62.5, 37.5
7, 58.8, 41.2
8, 55.6, 44.4
9, 52.6, 47.4
10, 50.0, 50.0
20, 33.3, 66.7
30, 25.0, 75.0
40, 20.0, 80.0
50, 16.7, 83.3
60, 14.3, 85.7
70, 12.5, 87.5
80, 11.1, 88.9
90, 10.0, 90.0
100, 9.1, 90.9
The analysis here is extremely simplified. as complex as human behavior phenomenon need more complex management. However, even with complex design of the trend of the results will not be very different. Even the simple model here illustrates the insidious effect corruption among the rich and powerful members of society can have on society as a whole. The table shows that even if 20% of the wealthy members of society is corrupt, which can lead to most of society remain poor. On the other hand, once corruption through the seventy percent level does not matter if eighty or ninety or one hundred percent. Poverty is equal to about ninety percent. There must be some people to consume nature's bounty. The insidious effect of corruption on society is dramatized by mathematical analysis. This shows how important it is to conquer this evil, if human societies are to become prosperous