There is much talk of voters angry about the way our government is incompetent, what kind of release all the "wisdom of crowds" theory of the window and makes us rethink the thought of group or committee-based solution strategy. Then, on the contrary, you hear people say "no, the government is incompetent, corrupt." Well, what is? Hard to say, but we will have a brief dialogue in the case of corruption and unethical behavior that has infiltrated our government at all levels.
We know city councilors and women take donations from city contractors, companies of garbage and trash, and those are franchises granted (local monopoly) for municipal contracts. This is a huge state-level PACs by the government employee unions are giving large campaign donations needed to win the election.
And we know what happens in Washington, DC, where regulations are voted into law by the Senate, thanks to the carefully placed lobbyists, which are specifically designed to put barriers to entry by competitors of the companies that turn out to be payment made by lobbyists huge campaign donations. That's how it works, but it's all supposedly legal, even if it smells like corruption.
Not long ago, I was arguing with a Hollywood actor to the challenges of leading a group of scholars and some of the most difficult dilemmas of mankind in the future. We both realized how actors and actresses had so much power in shaping our national debate and policy, and both agreed that it was essential to make things right.
One of the issues on our list was "government corruption" and the discussion of this, he said;
"Well, the issue of government ethics, I would add that government corruption is ambiguous and generally not exceed accusations between the candidates before the election."
In fact, this is absolutely true, and yet I think everybody realizes that there is one side, political party, nor is it a level or branch of government. In fact, government bureaucrats, politicians all come from our own society, and people on the streets of Hollywood to steal the bike out of Starbucks to people who would remove a financial scam. Therefore, it is not that we should be destroying the government.
Yet, "corruption in government" is not just in the U.S., is all governments, ours is actually often be the least corrupt, although I do not think reading a scandalous allegations times. We must admit the media has a field day with it all year, often blowing out of proportion every little thing. Now that does not mean that government corruption there is, absolutely not, take for example, Congressman with 100s of thousands of dollars wrapped in his freezer?
Perhaps we should bear in mind that the government is made up of people of our population, and perhaps the real problem is that we are letting slip ethics at all levels of society, therefore no wonder none of these . Please be thinking here!
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